Look out for the world’s first smart contact lens

A California start-up has developed the “world’s first true smart contact lens” that puts a screen against your eye to display a range of information.

Mojo Lens is a contact lens with a built-in display that gives people the useful and timely information they want without forcing them to look down at a screen or losing focus on the people and the world around them. Mojo calls this eyes-up experience Invisible Computing, a platform that enables information to be instantaneous, unobtrusive and available hands-free, and will allow people to interact with each other more freely and genuinely.

The company has been researching and developing its ground-breaking technology and holds patents critical to the development of an augmented reality (AR) smart contact lens dating back over 10 years. The company is currently demonstrating a working prototype of the device. Mojo is conducting feasibility clinical studies for R&D iteration…