Discover Cover Images

We create engaging visual content.

We excite, inform and inspire with compelling photo features and eye-catching imagery across themes including Nature, Science, Technology, Entertainment, Design, Offbeat and more. Our content is sourced by passionate photography-loving editors who seek out remarkable pictures that tell remarkable stories.

We represent award-winning journalistic contributors and top international agencies to provide our clients with a daily updated feed and archive chronicling world events, people, places and culture.

For further information, including contributions, please contact us.





With a reputation for compelling storytelling, COVER’s creative production studio specialises in premium factual productions for television and online media.

Our core genres are human interest and current affairs, but we draw on a wide array of topics and styles to create exciting new formats. From unique and quirky, to heart-warming and informative, our team produces a broad range of memorable content developed using the best of on and off-screen talent.




With a talented in-house team of award-winning professionals including; filmmakers, videographers, photographers, copywriters, and a network of over 2,000 leading photographers worldwide, we work with global consumer brands to deliver impactful branded content on budget and on time.

Services include:

TV / Cinema Commercials     Brand Content     Educational / Training videos     Product Videos     Music Videos


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Eye-Catching Photo Features, Live News and an archive of over 2 million images.